Love Sex & Life

Commitment & the Alpha Male: Are you altar or slaughter bound?

Men are natural "freedom lovers". For most men, the very thought of making a life- long commitment to one woman for the rest of their "entire lives" is enough to send them sprinting for the hills and never looking back. What gives? The typical "male" is a commitment-phobic. The feared and dreaded "C-word" infers "loss of total independence", "concession" and the "painful sacrifice of sexual variety", and the impending specter of "financial wreckage". This is not to say it'll never happen. Men fall in love and get married every day, only when they are ready and not moment sooner.

AFTER “I DO” The Pathway to Keeping It That Way

“For richer, for poorer”, “in sickness and in health”, …. you’ve probably heard those lines so many times that they have lost meaning to you and sadly sometimes the bride and groom uttering them. A successful marriage takes commitment regardless of the season. While they are no tricks to a happy marriage, there are a few things that can increase your chances of a long and happy marriage. Follow our A-Z pathway to saying I do and keeping that way. Appreciation: Everyone loves to be appreciated, loved and complimented. Appreciation in marriage is an antidote to divorce.

Who is your Soul Mate?

I always thought the idea of soul mates was far-fetched, like really, is there one person and ONLY one person that is your one true life partner, who you have that instant 'deep' connection with?

7 Non-Negotiable Qualities to Look for In a Husband

After talking to dozens of women who have had quite a stable married life and in stable relationships, I've put together what they shared that guided them through that path.

'Giiiirl'...Where's Your Dignity?

You met this amazing guy. He takes you on dates frequently. You guys spend hours on the phone laughing and learning more about each other. You send cute and flirty text messages back and forth all day. Then, one day, out of the blue, all of that comes to a screeching halt. Days, weeks and maybe even months have gone by without you receiving so much as a “Good Morning” text from him and for the life of you, you can’t seem to figure out what went wrong.

Iconic Weddings: Audrey Hepburn and Mel Ferrer

Audrey Hepburn met her husband Mel Ferrer at a cocktail party organized by Gregory Peck her co-star in Roman Holiday.

How Superstitious Are You?

A lot of traditions in weddings these days have emerged from ancient myths and superstitions. To ensure that they have all the luck in the world in their marriage, a number of people subscribe to a good many superstitions. Here are just a few of the beliefs surrounding the wedding ceremony:

He Proposed!

OMG! OMG!! OMG!!! He proposed! Uche got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I was blubbering like an idiot oh, tears everywhere. Now that I think about it, I don’t think I’ve cried in front of him before. Embarrassing!!! Thank God there were no cameras to record it. I would have to hunt people down to delete the evidence. The proposal was beautiful!!! Considering I always said I didn’t want a public one, I am glad for once, he didn’t listen to me. He proposed to me at the airport, can you imagine? International airport for that matter.

The 'Secret' to Successful Marriages

My parents have never had an argument in front of me or any of my siblings, I used to think that this was the case with every relationship and that with love and patience any relationship would work. No one goes into a marriage with the intention of divorce, No one thinks that will happen to them. However with divorce and separations at an all time high, it is unrealistic to expect a "happily ever after" ending without hiccups and in some cases major road blocks along the way.

Do you know a Groomzilla?

We all know bridezilla - the evil, pushy, overbearing bride who wants everything about her wedding to be perfect even if she has to shed the blood of friends, family members, and vendors. Rumour has it, that most brides give off a little whiff of that evil magic now and then, but who ever heard of the groom going gaga over the floral arrangements?

Well, say hello to groomzilla. Formerly a species restricted only to the ladies in the wedding gowns, this variety of wedding evil is blessed with more testosterone than sense, and is popping up at the most embarrassing of moments.