Commitment & the Alpha Male: Are you altar or slaughter bound?

Men are natural "freedom lovers". For most men, the very thought of making a life- long commitment to one woman for the rest of their "entire lives" is enough to send them sprinting for the hills and never looking back. What gives? The typical "male" is a commitment-phobic. The feared and dreaded "C-word" infers "loss of total independence", "concession" and the "painful sacrifice of sexual variety", and the impending specter of "financial wreckage". This is not to say it'll never happen. Men fall in love and get married every day, only when they are ready and not moment sooner. These days, there are fewer societal pressures on the men as opposed to women, where commitment is the finish line for their adult lives. They want to get married and they want to do so now! So before you exert increasing pressure on "him" to settle down -- pressure that can cause him to "pack up and leave" look out for these... On your way to the altar...

  • He's got this look and you know. The eyes speak more than the mouth because they are the window to the soul. Look into those eyes the answers you seek lies within.
  • You are his confidant and best friend. He is at ease in sharing inner most secrets because he trusts you and takes you into confidence.
  • He adores and respects you. He treats you like a queen and reveres your every step. He listens to what you have to say and is willing to compromise to keep you happy? Go figure!
  • Enjoys your company. If he skips routine time out with "his guys" just to be with you, that a sign he wants to be with you….for much longer
  • You are a regular on the guest list at family friend's events. If he regularly invites you to spend time with his friends and family, and is not ashamed of showing you off.
  • You are making long term decisions together. When the conversation about the future switches from "I" to "WE" or "US" then at least you know his mindset is no longer within the singles terrain
  • Takes you home to mama. This is a winner! You know he has strong feelings for you and just maybe you are his "missing rib"

Up for the slaughter…..

  • He says he has no interest in tying the knot. Instead of trying to change his mind, believe him and move on.
  • He has a stalking Ex with whom he is still very much at home with
  • If he acts financially immature and irresponsible, he's thinking 'me,' not 'we.'" always.
  • You see a couple with their baby and you go awwwh! isn't that such a cute family ad he changes the topic.
  • Repeatedly makes you cry. And they're not tears of happiness, but of constant pain and unending heart ache. If he's untrustworthy, abusive, a liar, cheat and/or Uber-flirt, divorce yourself from this relationship before it takes a trip to court to do so.

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Written by Sugar Weddings