Dealing with the Pressure of Planning a Wedding.


Wedding bells are ringing, and you have loads to do. Plans are kicking in,
but the pressure is also building up. Families are sharing their opinions,
but you have yours too. It may seem overwhelming but how do you handle the
pressure as it builds up?

Few tips that can help:

Bridal Lingerie Ideas for Your Honeymoon

Photo Credit:


The time is right and the mood is set. Immediately after your wedding, your
honeymoon begins at a beautiful location you both chose. It is always an

Wedding Night Tips for Virgin Brides


Every woman looks forward to her wedding night, and for virgin brides, the
anticipation is even more. There could be a mix of excitement and fear. It
is okay to be occupied with thoughts of what sex for the first time will be
like, but there’s no need to worry. Once you know what to expect, your
first time can be nice and pleasurable.

Be calm

How to Care for Your Engagement and Wedding Rings


At first, your engagement ring is lustrous and sparkly, and then over time,
it can get dull and grimy. Diamonds are forever, so age isn’t a factor
here. It all depends on how you care for your ring.

Now, what if the worst happened and your beautiful ring got submerged in a
hot pot of soup with plenty palm oil or mysteriously found its way into a
pile of cow manure? It’s not the end of your ring yet because there are
different ways to guard and protect it from premature death.

7 Tips for Moving to a New House


Moving houses is one aspect of getting married that isn’t talked about
enough. Either one person has to move in with the other, or you both start
afresh in a new place. Single people also move houses, as do large families.
Moving can be stressful, and it’s a lot of work, but
it can be made very simple with a few tips.

Here’s what we recommend if you’re moving to a new house.

Get organized early

Wedding Suit Types

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The groom and his best man need to go shopping. They get to choose the colour, the fabric they would prefer, and what style feels more comfortable.

First, decide what style you would prefer. It could be a relaxed style or a more formal vibe. Let’s take a look at suit types:

The Three-Piece Suit


From simple to classy to elegant, there are a number of wedding suit trends to
choose from. The major suit styles however, remain a basis for selecting your wedding suit.

How to Spot an IJGB

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So how do you spot them? Sometimes it is so easy. Other times, you may have to find a particularly distinctive feature when you meet someone new. This article is tongue-in-cheek. It’s all love guys!

Ok, here are a few ways you can spot an” I Just Got Back!”

Their Accents

Accents are usually the first and easiest way to spot this set of people. In fact, it’s a dead giveaway. Your city becomes a melting pot of accents. You’ll hear clear British, American, or Australian accents from those who actually grew up in other countries. You’ll also notice the ambiguous, fluctuating medley of accents from those whom we know just left for a Master’s degree last year.

The Complaints

They complain every two minutes about the heat, mosquitoes, their family, Nigerians, Africans, the water ruining their skin (when we all know they’re struggling with the same acne abroad).

Their Spending Habits

If you live in Nigeria, you know quite well that the exchange rate is favourable for people coming back with foreign currency. Usually, they tend to be two things - overly stingy or overspenders.

The latter is popular at parties and hangouts, having a lot of friends around and of course, footing all the bills. They seem ready to spend till they drop. They are also frequently found at art markets unwittingly paying double for jewellery and accessories.

The former is very concerned about how they spend. They are usually students on a budget. They rant about how greedy and frivolous people at home are, and how they are sure they got cheated in the market.

Their Behaviour


Happy New Year!
It’s that time of the year when people who have been abroad all year long
return home. There is usually excitement when they arrive. Not only is

5 Ways to Have Fun with Family in the Village This Year

Photo via:

Christmas festivities have passed, so your family might start to get bored in the village. If you are now going through a very predictable routine, you need to shake things up. The village can be so much fun for everyone!

Here are a few ways to have fun with your family in the village this festive season:

Picnic on the farm


As always during festive season, people in most parts of the country
have moved from the cities to their hometowns, to visit family and friends.

How to Overcome End of the Year and Holiday Blues


The New Year is upon us, and most people are reflecting on how 2017 went
by. A lot of people are likely to feel sad or depressed because they were
unable to achieve their goals during the year.

The holiday season is supposed to be a time of joy and fun, but it can also
be a time of stress because of the amount of spending done. It’s common for
people to feel disappointed or frustrated because they can’t afford what
they would have loved to get for their loved ones.

Gift ideas for Your Mother-in-Law

Photo credit:


Invest in her collection of rich scents: the kind of scent that makes peoples’ heads turn when she walks past. No, she isn’t too old to entice her husband so go for classics like Chanel No. 5 or Flower by Kenzo depending on your budget.


Newlywed with no idea of what to gift your mother-in-law with this holiday?
Or have you just run out of ideas for your spouse’s dear mother? New Year

Outfit Ideas for Holiday Parties

Photo credit: @shopmaju

The Land is Green

Apart from red, green is the other classic colour to wear during this season. Don’t worry, all your inspiration does not have to come from a Christmas tree but you can make an outfit work with suede, frills and drapes as you combine different textures and styles.


‘Tis the season to not slack, fa la la la la, la la la laaaa! Think about
it, there are so many good memories that can be made over the festive

6 Hilarious Answers to “When are you getting married?”


Happy Holidays everyone! It's festive season and this means unlimited access to
aunties, uncles and cousins asking you all sorts of questions in a bid to catch up
on your life. If you are in your mid-twenties or older with a job and drive your
own car, this question is inevitable: “When are you getting married?”. This
question may be asked even if you are not known to be dating anyone.
In the true spirit of Nigerian tradition, anything can happen! Chuck your
deuces up with these hilarious answers to the dreaded question:

2018 Wedding Dress Trends


Every year, there are many new trends for wedding dresses.
2018 is almost here, and the trends are more exciting than ever.

5 Hairstyle Ideas for Natural Hair Brides

Photo credit: @tobbiestouch

Hairstyle for a true afro princess! Imagine this gorgeous jeweled up-do paired with a big ball gown.


More ladies have decided to rock their natural hair on their big day. They
have tossed aside the straight weaves and relaxers and proven that their natural

Nigerian Songs for Your Wedding Playlist

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Since Nigerian music evolved, a lot of wedding receptions have adopted Nigerian songs into whole playlists. Not only are they romantic, but they are also in themes and language the Nigerian couple can relate to. Also, non-Nigerians enjoy this music because of the exquisite sound, beats and the aura it brings. If you were ever wondering what sort of Nigerian songs you can play at your wedding, here are some suggestions:

Slow Tempo Music

When all the religious activities are over, all everyone wants to do is to eat and then party. Here is a list of slow music for the couple to dance to before guests join them on the dancefloor:


So it’s just a few months to your wedding, but you still have not figured
out a playlist for your big day. Don’t panic. In fact, you’re not the only