Love Sex & Life

The Spy Who Loved Me


My brother and I used to play a deadly game while growing up. I am sure some of you will remember that game. I still can’t understand why we indulged in it at all because it was quite dangerous but as with most of the things young people did, I guess I may never fully understand. Perhaps it was the risk involved that gave us the kicks. Who knows? Maybe we thought we could always get away with it without getting hurt or caught.

Wedding Woes: When Both Families Just Can't Get Along


While growing up, it’s natural for siblings and cousins to have disagreements, fights and even exchange a few blows, these experiences always make for great stories when you are all older. Conventionally marriage is between two people, however here in Nigeria, it’s seen more as a joining of two families to become one.
If fighting with your nuclear family and friends is natural, bringing two families together that may differ in background, culture, habits and tolerances will have a few hiccups.

7 Sure Signs 'Bae' is Getting Ready To Propose


So you’re not quite sure if he is going to pop that question, well here are the telltale signs he is about to ask you what you have waited to hear since you knew he was the one; "Will You Marry Me??"

6 Unique Proposal Ideas Guaranteed to Get You a 'YES'

A tasty proposal
A beautiful cake box is a tastier alternative to a ring box. There’s no better way to propose to a foodie than with the other love of her life. Take her to the site of your first date. Arrange to have the cake brought out when it's time for dessert. Get on one knee as it arrives and tell her why marrying you will be the icing on the cake of your lives.

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A proposal ideally happens only once in your life, so you want to make sure the love of your life never forgets. No pressure, we’ve got your back.

6 Secrets to Bliss With Your Nigerian Mother-In-Law


Every marriage is different, but almost everyone dealing with a mother-in-law issue agree that they face the same dilemma.

In extreme cases, wives questions typically include; "how on earth can I get out of this?", "Is this ever going to stop?", "Do I need to leave my marriage?", "What exactly is the problem?" and more

It is a very tough place to be and even more challenging for your man who is not only clueless as to why there is a problem between you and his mum but, also always left to manage both two people he loves.

10 Must Read Wedding Night Secrets


Firsts are always important and hardly ever forgotten, your first car, job, pet or house and your wedding night is no different, it’s the first of many nights to be spent as MAN and WIFE!

Get ready, here are our top tips to make it a night to remember!

10 Things Every Nigerian Bride Must Do Before Taking the Plunge


  1. Take some time for yourself
    No planning, no freak-outs, no fire-breathing. Just breathe. Take a trip alone if possible; you may not get this chance again.
  2. Reconnect with your girlfriends
    Spend some real time with them. No, bridesmaids’ dresses fittings do not count. You are taking a huge life step so they might be feeling insignificant. Go out like old times so they know they’ll always be your squad.
  3. Spend some time with your parents

15 Pictures Every Nigerian Bride Can Relate To

1. Now if you can just get up the nerve to post this on your social media, maybe they would get the message... but wouldn’t that affect aso-ebi sales and wedding gifts? This life is not fair.

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It would seem everybody and their dog has an opinion about your wedding.

Is He the One?


You've met dozens of men, and you're hoping this guy will be the one, you're hoping this will be the prince charming that will sweep you off your feet. Not to worry these eight tips will let you know undoubtedly that he is the one for you.

Is Divorce Ever An Option?


One of the hardest things to do is let go of someone you loved and with whom you imagined a ‘happily ever after.'