Six Signs That Show He Is About To Propose

Photo Credit: Instagram @proposalsnigeria

You guys have been dating for five years and you have never noticed such behavior from him before. You can’t help but think many thoughts: Is he about to break up with you? Is he going through financial problems or is he suicidal? He may be considering a huge step in the next direction of life! Here are six signs that show he is about to propose:

Emotional Outpouring
Some men are affectionate but when you notice that your significant other is a little more than usual while he starts expressing his undying love for you then he may be thinking things in his heart of hearts. When this happens, it is usually to decipher what kind of response he is going to receive. No one wants to be with someone who does not feel as emotionally drawn to them or invested in the relationship as they are.

Nervous and Needy

The two most petrifying times for a man are when he is about to ask a girl out on the first date and when he is about to propose. The fear of rejection will cause nerves to abound in any man. This may manifest in the form of sweat, impaired speech and an increase in his tactile nature. 

Financial Planning
If you notice that your significant other is paying more attention to saving, family planning and starts looking into investments in real estate then he may be gearing up to make a switch in his lifestyle to accommodate a future family. To solidify this, he may even take you window shopping for jewelry just to find out what you would like, enabling him to factor a figure into his budget.

Attending Weddings
Your significant other doesn’t find weddings gag-worthy after all. He has gotten into the groove of appreciating another couple’s love as he sits by you, steadily observing the couple, decorations, menu, and even the groom’s suits.

Changing His Vocabulary

His vocab may become futuristic and intentional with the use of such words as “us” and “we” while referring to upcoming dates and things to do.

Talking About the Future
Suddenly, there is a shift in the conversations you are having with your significant other. He starts to ask questions about where you see yourself in five years, how many children you desire, what kind of area you’d like to settle down in and if you’d like to get married soon!

Clearly, these signs are nothing to worry about. Embrace life and see what the future holds for you and your significant other.


Written by Feso Adeniji