6 Reasons To Be More Physically Intimate With Your Spouse

Photo Credit: Instagram @tolutemi

A relationship without physical intimacy is not representative of true love and attraction. There are so many benefits of physical intimacy in a relationship, not as something that couples do without love. Rather, something that increases the emotional and physical bond between two people. Here are six reasons to be more physically intimate with your spouse:

An Expression Of Love

To make love to your spouse and be full of certain emotions while you are doing so has to be the pinnacle of expressing love freely and fully. When a relationship lacks sexual chemistry it may not last very long because of its human nature to tie these feelings together. Oxytocin and dopamine are released from your body when you are physically intimate with your partner, bringing about feelings of happiness, trust, and even addiction.


It Reduces Stress

Physical intimacy transcends beyond sex; it involves hugging, cuddling and even holding hands. Anxious feelings disappear when the brain is triggered by oxytocin, connecting to its center of pleasure.


Increased Affection

When couples are more physically intimate with each other, a higher level of comfort and affection is attained between them. Such couples will frequently engage in public displays of affection in front of family, friends and even strangers. True intimacy transcends beyond sex and the bedroom.


It Promotes Youthfulness

Physical intimacy tends to release a playful side. Couples will also long to keep themselves looking fresh and attractive towards themselves so that the relationship dynamics do not get boring. When people are happy and stress-free, they tend to look and feel young and healthy.


It Promotes Chemistry

More physical intimacy promotes chemistry and inexplicable feelings even when you are not together with your significant other. This is evident when couples who have not been together for a long time reunite either in a long-distance relationship or just an unavoidable period of travel.


It Brings Happiness

When you and your spouse can satisfy each other emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually, you have a genuine marriage that is ready to stand the test of time.


Have you ever felt like you were not intimate enough with your spouse? Clear your mind off worldly troubles and reignite the fire in your relationship.

Written by Feso Adeniji