What To Do After An Extremely Painful Heartbreak

Photo Credit: Instagram.com/limarose_/

Heartbreaks are rough and can drag the earth from under your feet; it is really weird how someone you will initially kill for turn around and become someone you wish to mentally kill and destroy. It makes you not want to ever date again but contrary to what you are feeling, you can survive a heartbreak the only difference between you and someone else is the healing time. 


Here are 8 amongst many ways to get over an extremely painful heartbreak. 


Feel the pain

Many may tell you to get yourself together and move on because you are not the first to get heart broken. Kindly ignore them with the reserve strength you have and box them somewhere. It is better you feel every emotion running through you; you can cry, take a long run, break your dishes and get new ones later. 




You need to accept the fact that you are not dreaming and the significant other you imagined or planned to do life with has left you for good. Once you can do this, room is created for your healing. 



Cut all contact

You need to cut all contacts with your ex no matter how the voice in your head is strongly advising you to call him or her to plead for another chance. 



Find yourself

You might feel lost and helpless after a breakup and you want to do nothing than to die and never reincarnate but just know it is the hurt that is speaking. You need to revive yourself and start living again; you need to trace your step back and pick up yourself from where you lost yourself. 



New hobbies

Create new hobbies do not torture yourself by doing things you and your ex loved doing together as that will do nothing than to hurt you. Try to let go of the past and create new memories for yourself. Go out and try that thing you have been postponing for a long time. 




Let time do its thing, you cannot heal overnight ts all a process ad a gradual one at that. 




In addition to letting go, you have to forgive. It might sound absurd and unfair but it is needed for your healing to progress; it is hard to forget and to be candid you might never forget till you exit the world but you have to forgive your ex for you to have an healthy relationship with other people. 




Take a walk outside, close your eyes enjoy the cool breeze and sound coming from mother nature then from the depth of your belly, laugh hard, laugh out and laugh more. Just keep laughing and stay happy. With time you will realise you are no longer mourning a loss. 


Written by Lola Akinseye