The Ultimate Maid of Honour Checklist

If you have been a maid of honour more than once, you will know how important this list is. The hustle and bustle leading up to the wedding day especially in Nigeria is quite an ordeal and is not for the faint-hearted.

Here is the ultimate maid of honour checklist that every bride should have:


  • Moral support for your bride

Your bride will be going through a whirlwind of emotions so be ready to extend your shoulder for hugs and tears.


  • Have a sewing kit on standby

Dresses always pop on wedding days, especially those fancy bridesmaids’ dresses. Learn how to fix a zip if you can!


  • Make connections with a substitute glam squad

As the maid of honour, it is your duty to make sure that all the bridesmaids dress up on time. It's best to make alternative arrangements that you can put into place with a hair stylist and makeup artist close by in case of disappointments.


  • Phone Credit and Power Bank

Your phone will be a hotline on the wedding day because you are the intermediary between the bride and the rest of the world. Whatever she needs, you have to get or call for. Try to charge your phone before the day starts but also have a power bank that you can use in case your battery drains out.


  • The bride’s slippers

She is going to get tired of dancing at some point; have these handy in a shoe bag.


  • Money Bags

Wedding receptions are all about spraying so as the maid of honour; you have to get ready and rally up the bridesmaids to pick the flying Nairas and Dollars. Be sure to get at least four small bags that can be secured with zips and arrange to have one large bag to pour in all the proceeds in a safe place when the others get full.


  • Breakfast snacks

Make sure the whole team eats something for breakfast; a tray of sandwiches, pancake rolls, sausages and chicken wings can go a long way to sustain everyone till lunch time especially with all the picture taking in the sun and dancing into the wedding reception.


  • Shots and Cocktails

Need something to calm everyone’s nerves? Grab a bottle of your favourite brown juice or make mimosas with your own mapped out proportion of champagne and orange juice.


  • Have fun!

When it has all been said and done, its time for you to have fun because the after party is your real party.

Did we forget anything?
Be prepared for anything on your friend’s special day.

Written by Feso Adeniji