Planning Fun Activities for Your Wedding Week

The wedding week is usually full of celebration, reunions and dress fittings. Friends and family that cross borders to be with you take this time out as a proper holiday, so as the host, it’s your responsibility to make this time as memorable as possible for them. It’s a great idea to plan fun activities for your friends and family during your wedding week.

Here are some fun activities you can incorporate into your wedding week line-up:


Beach Party

A few coconut cocktails, the perfect barbecue and an awesome DJ will set the tone for a great beach party. Make sure the location is one with maximum comfort like a private beach house or at a beach club.



Picnic and Wildlife

A picnic at a conservation centre or wildlife park is definitely something outside the norm of wedding week activities. Have a date with nature in a serene environment while enjoying quality time with friends and family.



Art Gallery Tour

Nigerian art galleries are gaining worldwide recognition. An Art gallery tour is a good opportunity for your alternative group of friends to familiarise themselves with our city’s talent, recorded on canvas.


Jet ski and Kayaking

Get your friends and family to step outside their comfort zone and try something fun. Adrenaline junkies can hop on the jet ski while those who like to soak up the sights of the city may opt for kayaking.


Brunch Date

We often hear about pre-wedding dinners but not pre-wedding brunches. Setting up a brunch for the wedding party allows a more relaxed atmosphere and a great opportunity for everyone to meet during the day.


Local Market Experience

Visitors that are not familiar with any local markets in a city are usually intrigued by the souvenirs, arts and craft items. Share this time with your wedding party and visitors as they haggle with vendors, taste local street food and embrace beauty in the chaos of Lagos.  


The wedding week is a great time for the couple to have fun with their wedding party and with each other before the wedding. Don’t be that couple that rustles up an opportunity to have canapes and cocktails last minute in a bid to get your wedding party acquainted.

Take out time to plan fun activities for your wedding party; your bridesmaids will definitely have no concerns about who to partner up with as they dance into your wedding reception!


Written by Feso Adeniji