How To Break Up Your Relationship Nicely

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Breakups are conversations a lot of people don’t want to have. Half of the time, it ends up messy. 

How then, do you break up without making it get so bad? Here’s how: 


Understand That It Will Hurt

Understanding this part will make you choose your words better. Rather than blame them or yourself for the breakup, be direct and clear. 

How you coax your words matter even with the tinge of sadness lingering around. You’d realize it’s easier to get over it after this and you may end up being friends with them. 


Don’t Ghost Them

Ghosting is a very disrespectful act. Even if you've had a very toxic relationship, ghosting them would only leave resentments. Since you'd have certain things you want to air out, why not try having a conversation and breaking up properly? 

Keep away from this habit especially since it doesn't resolve anything. 


Stop Using Cliches

Words like; It's not you, it's me, you're too good for me, I can't stand being away from you for too long should be completely avoided. 

It will only make them question themselves or you. Even if you meant well, you will hurt them a lot more than you envisioned. They will probably start to doubt whether they are good enough in their next relationship. You shouldn't do that especially if you still care about them.


Be Kind

He/she was once someone you adored and probably fell in love with. You're probably breaking up because of some irreconcilable issues. However, one thing is clear; for the most part, you may still care about them deep down. 

In this case, try breaking it to them politely. Your manner of approach would help with letting go faster, even for you.


Focus On The Issues, Not Them

Rather than blaming them or yourself for the breakup, pay more attention to your issues.

Choose words like We've been apart from each other, We never really connected, We need a break from each other... rather than You only care about yourself... I'm ending it because you are a terrible person.


Be Firm 

If you know this break up will do you good, be firm about it. Even if it might hurt, staying in a relationship you're not attached to might hurt a lot more on the long run. Be direct and make up your mind.

Remember to treat them the way you'd like to be treated. Breakups should never be a death sentence. 

Written by Ojatula Opeyemi