Guide to Help You Choose the Best Makeup Artist for Your Wedding Day

A lot of thinking should go into picking a Makeup Artist (MUA) for your wedding day because it’s not just a game of eeny-meeny-miny-mo.

Here’s a guide to help you choose a makeup artist for your special day:

Check out pictures and videos from the MUA’s past jobs just to make sure you fancy her style of makeup artistry. Is the MUA’s style mostly subtle, showcasing a person’s natural beauty or slightly more caked up with lots of definition, emphasising facial angles? Ascertain your preference before reaching out to a particular MUA.

Product Haul
Even if you like a particular MUA’s work, it is best to find out what products they use, for your benefit. Make sure these are of good quality, unexpired and up to the standard that you would buy for yourself. Also, take your skin type into consideration in order not to use products that you may potentially be allergic to or do not appear flawless on your skin.

If people have referred you to a particular MUA, she must have amassed a certain level of goodwill and social proof. This means she must have a particularly good attitude in order to work with various clients of different temperaments.

Go for a trial makeup session to experience the MUA’s service and artistry. If you get a good vibe and you like how you look in the mirror, then go for it!

Accreditation and Community Involvement
Some MUAs have actually gone through the struggle of obtaining
accreditation from special courses and workshops especially with a proper background in skincare and beauty. Their memberships in any community of MUAs, societies or guilds also prove that they are open to learning and improving their skills regularly. This sort of MUA is a serious one!

Endeavour to hire someone who can access your chosen prep location easily and not someone who resides far away. This is important for time considerations.

Ensure that you can afford the service before booking it; although it’s your special day and you would like to look top notch, try to stick to a budget without unreasonably beating down the price.

Have you ever considered these points? You can also apply them to many other events asides your wedding day.

Keep Slaying!


Written by Feso Adeniji