Complete Abstinence in Relationship: Advantages & Disadvantages

Photo Credit: Instagram/BlackLovePage

Complete abstinence also referred to as celibacy, and it has always been a topic of discussion in most relationships, especially in this part of the world (Africa).

Celibacy is a choice for different personal reasons, which can include (but not limited to):

- Health.

- Absence of a partner for sexual relations.

- Spiritual.

- An upcoming task/activity that requires your full focus/energy.

Nevertheless, whatever your reason may be, you should consider the advantages and disadvantages to guide your decision.



1. Sublimation and Creativity in Relationship

Sex can be a huge distraction.

You are able to use the energy you would have used sexually into something creative, either for yourself or for your relationship. You both will have to take more time to understand how to enjoy each other’s company, how to communicate and yet be affectionate towards each other without sex.

Usually, that creativity, in the long run, helps the relationship to solidify.


2. No Sexually Transmitted Disease & Unwanted Pregnancy

This can’t be over emphasized as there is not a thing as safe sex. It’s only safer sex. Celibacy is the only ay to completely avoid STD and the only 100% guarantee that you won’t get pregnant.


3. Self-improvement

It is said that unmarried adolescents who are sexually active usually lose self-esteem and live with sense guilt. So, take it out and you might just feel better as an individual, and it will also cause an improvement to your intellect.


4. Self-control

Celibacy in a relationship requires that you suppress sexual urges and that in itself is gaining more control over your body and mind. It will help you to become more responsible and conscious about your decisions, even as it regards other parts of your life.


5. It’s not Forever

With celibacy, you don’t have to alter your body. It’s a choice that you absolutely lose nothing on. If it doesn’t work for you, you can always change your mind without any form of ‘drama’ needed.



1. Frustration

This is especially true when only one partner is trying to convince the other partner. The constant pressure to push off sexual urges can be very frustrating.


2. Mental or Health risk

The mental fight of not wanting to do what your body constantly want to do, especially when you are together can start becoming an obsessive thought which can quickly become depressive. And it is said that stagnation in prostrate for men can lead to prostatitis, adenoma or prostate cancer. While it can cause decreased immunity for women and loss of orgasm for women.

If you are abstaining, you should know how to deal with it.


3. Relationship Issues

It can be very hard to forge an adult relationship without the benefit of sexually satisfying each other and reaching the same level of intimacy you would have reached if you were sexually involved.


We hope you can make an informed decision and stick through it after reading the points above.


Written by SWP editor