Ask Sugar: My Girlfriend Doesn't Want Me Around Her Family

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Dear Sugar, 
My involvement in my girlfriend's family has put me in trouble. I'm honestly madly in love with her and as much as possible, I extend my care to her family. I can bet that I have won her family over; it's like I'm the son and brother they ever wanted. 
But my girlfriend thinks otherwise. She makes some remarks that almost seems like she's jealous of my friendship with them. It was when she started shielding me away from them and even deleted their numbers from my phone that I knew something was wrong. I've been asking that she talks to me about it but she wouldn't budge. This has caused a huge fight between us and I'm so tempted to reach out to her sisters and mum through Facebook to talk to them about it. I don't understand it at all and I hate the idea of losing her to something like this...
Dear J.B,
This is quite a serious case you have, especially since you have bonded perfectly with her family. You should consider waiting a little before asking her again. She may have personal reasons she's not ready to tell you yet. Give it some time. However, you also shouldn't feel bad that you have a good relationship with them; pause on sending them a message and focus instead on her and help her ease into talking to you about it. Either way, you both would have to come to a decision on how to handle the issue she has with you and her family because most times, Family never leaves. It's a tough period you both have to be willing to overcome if you're willing to move forward in your relationship. 
Wish you all the best.
Written by SWP editor