After-Wedding Emotions You Might Experience

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Post-wedding blues or postnuptial depression are super real for most if not all brides; some may not encounter such emotions, but this is just to let you that if you do encounter them just know that they do happen and you are perfectly fine.

Here are 5 major after wedding emotions you might experience:



This comes when you realise that you are no longer returning to your parent's or the comfort and silence of your home but you are now responsible for yourself and your spouse. It can also be as a result of the lack of activities, unlike the wedding preparation where you are up and about to make your day splendid.



After the excitement of the wedding day, most times you get to have a rush of anxiety and begin to wonder if you made the right decision in spending the rest of your life as a married woman or man. It is okay to worry, it does not mean that you are dysfunctional just have it in mind that it is just a phase.



After the big day, you worry about all the over the top expenses made to make the day a success and you might have debts to settle. Even if you are debt-free, you still worry over other things such as doubts if you can make your marriage work. Just know that it is just you trying to get into your head; take a moment and exhale and move beyond your fears.



You might get frustrated with your partner as things begin to unravel in the marriage most especially for those who never lived as couples. It is good to have it at the back of your mind that nobody is perfect including yourself. Just as you find it difficult to stand some things your spouse does is the same way your spouse cannot stand some things you do. It is the time when you shuttle in your mind between wanting to be single and also married. It is important to come to a compromise on how to move forward.



After the initial negative feelings, you tend to feel relief because you were made for this and the highest consolation is that your partner is no longer your boyfriend or girlfriend but your spouse and you get to spend the rest of your life with them.

It is important to note that the reasons for the aforementioned feelings might vary in people because everyone is different. Acknowledge these emotions and communicate with your spouse and you will realise that you end up feeling better.


Written by Lola Akinseye