8 Ways Your Relationship Will Change After Marriage

Forget the things everyone has told you about marriage. One of the most popular being; marriage is just a continuation of what you had initially started. In reality, you’re starting off on a fresh plate. Only this time, you know yourself a tinge more than before.

Here are ways your relationship will change after marriage:


#1. You won’t have secrets
Secrets will be an old story after you marry. You’d find out that even the deepest of secrets are things your spouse already knows.

#2. You would have more self control
You’d subconsciously be cautious when you’re out with friends. Especially when your marriage is going good, you’d be careful not to let anything jeopardize it.

#3. You’ll feel less guilty when it comes to alone time
Unlike before, you and your spouse would be living together forever. So it means that your lone time is more precious to you. Not necessarily a selfish move, but it gives you both room to work on yourselves. Being able to cope separately even when you’re together.

#4. Sex is better
Although, there are times when it’s not so promising, marriage allows you to explore more of your bodies and try more fun ways to enjoy sex.


#5. You’ll be more open
Your spouse becomes your confidant. You’ll be more open to expressing yourself a lot more, remembering that you only have yourselves. Who is a better alternative to sharing your mind with rather than your spouse?

#7. You’ll be more forgiving
Marriage is almost like a space where forgiveness exists more. You would find out you’re a lot more forgiving than you were before marriage.


#8. It’ll bring the better out of you
When you’re married to a supportive spouse, you’re going to get a better version of yourself. This is not excluding praises and criticism and the intense interest to work on yourself as well. It motivates and gives you a reason to be better always.


Written by Ojatula Opeyemi