8 Ways To Successfully Practice Celibacy/Abstinence

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A lot of people decide to consciously abstain from sexual relations usually before marriage for religious, health or personal reasons. The journey may be difficult for those who embrace it as a lifestyle change, but it is not impossible. Surrounding yourself with positive energy and engaging in mentally- stimulating practices will help you in this season.

Here are eight tips that you will find extremely useful in your journey of celibacy:


1. Surround yourself with like-minded people

Some of your friends may not be celibate, and that means you may become selective in the activities and discussions you partake in with them. It will be much easier to relate to people who are on a similar journey so you can share experiences and learn from each other. The worst that can happen is that your old friends will find you boring or may think twice about intimating you with any detail regarding relationships and intimacy.


2. Get a new hobby

Focus your attention on fun and interesting activities in your spare time, ensuring that you are never idle. When you are idle, there may be a tendency to think negatively and lose focus on your lifestyle change.


3. Stress relief activities

Pampering yourself at the spa with massages and various beauty treatments will calm your nerves and urges from your screaming hormones. Physical activities like dance, yoga, and swimming are fun and will help release ‘feel -good' chemicals called endorphins to make you feel happy.


4. Build your career

Being successful is a definite confidence booster. When you are celibate, you can take advantage of allocating more time to your career or business while growing your business acumen and seeing life from a more calculated perspective. Let's face it; there won't be time to worry about missed periods or if your partner will finally propose after finally doing the deed. Yield some proportionate returns in your life today!


5. Focus on spiritual development

Engaging in fellowship with people that have made the same lifestyle choices or reading self-help books with a religious focus will encourage you to remain celibate by renewing your mind and exploring the benefits of celibacy while single or dating with the purpose of marriage.


6. Date someone who shares your ideals

Counter-productivity is when you have made the decision to be celibate, and you date someone who is not in agreement with that decision especially if you expect the relationship to stand the test of time.


7. Set limits on physical interaction

Maintain limits on your physical interaction with the opposite sex especially if you are in a relationship while celibate. Only agree to meet in public places and maintain an open-door policy when in each other's homes, so you do not get tempted.


8. Have an accountability partner

Get a good friend to check on you while on a date or spending time with your significant other to make sure you have not ventured beyond your set limits of physical interaction. It's part of human nature to choose to obey a rule when being monitored by someone who could scold you.

A huge part of being celibate involves your state of mind. The practice will become harder when you are in a relationship, but everything is possible if you put your mind to it!


Written by Feso Adeniji