7 Things Every Bridesmaid and Groomsman Should Know

Photo Credit: Instagram.com/switchography/

Your best friend is getting married yippee!!! I know you are thrilled and happy you cannot wait to assume the undeniable position of the bridesmaid and groomsman. It is good to be elated because who would not be? But you have to have it at the back of your mind that being a bridesmaid or groomsman is more than just putting on amazing clothes and taking coordinated pictures with the bridesmaid/groomsman hashtag. 

 It comes with responsibilities no matter how minute. Have you been chosen by your dear friend to be his/her bridesmaid or groomsman? 


Here are things you should know.


Support System: 

You have to know that you are there to support the bride and the groom. There are times when they will almost get to their limit but you are there to pull them through and let them know that all will be fine. Apart from emotional support, you have to be there 100% when you see that the party is becoming a drag, jump in there and be the life of the part. Do not stand there looking like you are off to put someone six feet into the ground dance and make merry till your body tells you otherwise. If you are a terrible dancer, do well to add dance lessons to your to-do list when preparing for your friend's wedding. 


The Bachelor (rette) Party: 

You are in charge of planning and organizing the bachelor and bachelorette party. You make sure it is something they will never forget and trust me they will never forget. It will ease them of a lot of stress because you were thoughtful enough to plan something for them. The bride and groom have been planning for their big day so a little break from the word planning will do them a lot of good.


Financial Capability: 

If the bride and groom are not giving your outfits to you as a gift then you should be financially capable of paying for your dress, suit, makeup and accessories. Do not make it look like you are doing your friends a favour. 


Team player: 

It is important to be a great team player because you will not be the only bridesmaid or groomsman and it is possible you might not know the other people on the train but get to know every one of them and make the bride and groom’s day a beautiful one. If you do not see eye to eye with anyone on the train try and keep your differences aside for the sake of the bride and groom. 



You have to be aware that the wedding is not about you if you do not like the colour of your dress or the style of your suit you can toss it or give it out after the wedding. Do not nag the bride or groom over something that is not so important at that time. If the bride wants you to put on curtains and leaves, you have to do just that.



You to be very alert and prepare for any form of emergency. You can help the bride and groom keep an emergency kit that can consist of a thread and a needle, a razor, tampons, handkerchief etc. 



Coordinate yourselves because you do not expect the bride and groom to add adult-sitting you to their list of things to do. You can also help coordinate the reception for it not to be too rowdy. 


Written by Lola Akinseye