7 Common Post-Wedding Issues Everyone Must Know

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Marital issues will almost always happen in a lot of marriages but what makes the difference is the way couples identify and handle their issues.  Here are some common marriage issues everyone should know:


1. Boundaries

Usually, a lot of couples are unable to adjust to living with someone other than themselves. After marriage, you'd probably get irritated a lot as many actions from your spouse and vice versa would initially be seen as going overboard or passing boundaries. 


2. Finances

This always tends to cause discord between couples especially when there is no financial decision made before the union, so both parties will be wary of every financial choice made by the other. Some couples do not discuss their earnings or any other form of income as they prefer to keep it personal


3. Intimacy

This is one of the causes of discord among couples. Sometimes your partner might not want to be intimate when you choose to or they might be experiencing health issues that have affected the intimacy in the marriage which will lead to frustration and then fights. 


4. Friends

The kind of friends you or your partner have can lead to disagreements especially when you are not comfortable with them. If you both do not talk about this, it will get escalated. 


5. Habits

Some habits will unfold in the marriage that will sometimes unsettle you or your partner. Understanding that perfection is impossible will help you both resolve this issue faster. 


6. Family

In-laws and even family members can aggravate marital issues. Sometimes, they may be the primary reason for it in the first place. Learning to place your spouse as a priority and settling disputes amicably amongst yourselves can drastically reduce fights relating to families. 


7. Schedules

If your schedules get interrupted or cancelled abruptly by your partner almost all the time, you're bound to have issues especially in cases where you didn't speak up immediately. 

After all that has been listed, the solution is effective communication. Make sure your partner is well aware of your feelings, your thoughts, your deal breakers etc. Rather than waiting on them to decipher what's wrong, always speak about it.


Written by Lola Akinseye