6 Things You Can Do Without On Your Wedding Day

As a way of saving money or slimming down your wedding budget, a significant consideration to cut out unnecessary things or things that one can do without will be the way forward in today’s economy.

Here are six things that you can do without on your wedding day:


1. Wedding Programs
Everyone who was invited already has information on the couple, and they don’t need to know the names of every bridesmaid and groomsman.

An alternative will be to only print the special songs and order of the ceremony so that guests may follow or rely on the guests to be attentive with their ears and eyes to save costs on printing wedding programs that may not be used again.


2. Non-Consumable Wedding Favours
Sweet treats like cupcakes or cookies could be a great alternative to hefty wedding favours that get lost or left behind because of the inconvenience of carrying a big bag of mediocre gifts when the wedding afterparty is lit!


3. Full Bar
Alcohol can be expensive; a signature cocktail could suffice while having a limited number of options available. Having a wedding bar look like a club’s bar isn’t always a determining factor on how much your reception will rock.


4. Flower Bouquet
The bride usually ends up handing these flowers over to her maid of honour to hold while she is reading her vows, exchanging rings and even sitting down during the wedding ceremony.

This clearly defeats the purpose of having a full flower bouquet. Maybe a single rose could be used or nothing at all to save some money.


5. Multiple Dresses
In all honesty, brides really don’t need more than one wedding dress to get married, look beautiful and have a good time.

The first one is usually used for the ceremony while the second (and sometimes the third) is worn during the reception and afterparty.

Rather than wearing a bogus wedding dress that you can’t dance in during the reception, why not opt for a simple wedding dress that is decent enough for the union and afterparty? These days, there are a lot of detachable parts of the dress that can be removed when its time to party.


6. Wedding Cake
No one gets to eat the wedding cake anyway, the couple and their family share this amongst themselves. The cake is not a priority for entertaining guests because there are usually a variety of desert and ice cream bars at weddings these days. The cake is only good for pictures!


Go ahead, its time to revisit that list of wants to strike some things out, only leaving what you need.


Written by Feso Adeniji