5 Tips To Keep The Fun In Your Marriage

Photo Credit: Instagram/@pharrisphotos

Marriage has never been an easy ride in the park.  There will be rough times and periods you'd rather spend alone. Creating and keeping fun is very crucial in your relationship. It helps build a stronger bond between couples and acts as a shield. This is why we have decided to give you tips and advice on how to do that successfully:


  • Take Interest in Each Other's Passion

There are a million and one things your partner does that may not interest you at all. Perhaps, it's taking a long morning walk, or making a new recipe. Not showing any interest means that you're slowly taking away your attention. Sometimes, you can help out or participate in their activities. It makes them cherish you a lot more. You may eventually get to like some of these activities.


  • Take up something new and interesting

Nothing is more stressful as constantly doing the same routine. It will be a great idea to create an interesting hobby that is enough to get your spouse rushing home to do after a long hard day. Doing this together improves your relationship and boosts both your mental wellbeing.


  • Write random notes to each other

This always does the magic. Imagine getting home or to work and stumbling on a little note your spouse has written. More often than not, it will brighten your day and make you look forward to more. Random notes show your spontaneity and your constant interest in your spouse.


  • Go on random outings/ vacation

If it requires that you are both selfish about it, then do it anyway. Where's the fun in doing the same old thing? Plan out surprises, planned dates, vacations, impulsive walks, spontaneous activities just to jive up your marriage.


  • Have a tête-à-tête

Having private conversations about how you feel, what your plans are for your business. etc can sure open a clearer path for you and your spouse. You're boosting confidentiality and trust each passing day if you're constantly doing this.


Bringing out the fun in your marriage needs consistency. You don't necessarily have to wait for a big break to make something big for your spouse. Making everyday count is worth more.


While there are a lot more alternatives, using these 5 ways will go a long way to bringing fun and happiness to your marriage.




Written by Ojatula Opeyemi