10 Necessary Beauty Appointments To Make Before Your Wedding Day

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There are some necessary beauty appointments you need to make before your wedding day so that you can look your absolute best on that day.

These appointments have a timeline, and so, you don't want to have them happen too early or late.

Here are 10 of such appointments.

1. Personal trainer and a nutritionist

This is one of the first most important appointments to make before your wedding day. You want to make sure you are looking and feeling great on your day.

If you want to cut cost, go online and download fitness video and food guides; and stick to a routine for at least 7months before the wedding day. (Increase effort when it’s about 3months to the wedding day).


2. Dermatologist appointment
Knowing that you have an acne-killing cortisone shot if you need it, will help you to relax. This should be booked at least 6months before your wedding day.

You can always cancel if you don’t eventually need it.


3. Hair and make-up consultations
Don’t just assume your preferred vendors are available or know how to deal with your hair and face. Schedule your first consultation, and also have a trial date fixed and done at least 3months before your day. 


4. Groom your brows
Don’t overlook the brow; it basically defines your face. If you have to see someone monthly to help its disastrous state, pls do. And if you have to keep it in good shape, then carefully only pluck strays.


5. Get manicure and pedicure
Getting manicure and pedicure every week from 3months to the wedding is a good idea. It will help your nails be in the shape you want. You can do it yourself if you are in a budget.


6. Book a facials
Make sure to find out which works best for your skin and do it 2weeks before the wedding so that there is time for any red marks from extractions to settle down.


7. Touch up hair color or chemically straighten it at least 3weeks before the day.
(This is only for people who want to color or straighten their hair chemically).


8. Book a body scrub at least 4days before your wedding day, for smooth skin. And spend more time in the shower, preferably with a salt scrub.


9. Three days before the wedding day, is a good time to wax your legs, bikini area, and upper lip, allowing time for bumps to settle. Stick to your regular waxer.


10. Get a massage one day before the event.

Written by SWP editor